The Drama Triangle: Relationship Breakup advice

The Drama Triangle: Build Better Relationships

The Drama Triangle is one of the concepts/theories that I quite often look back at when friends, family, or clients are talking about problems in their relationships, or problems holding down a relationship – it comes up a lot when talking about bad break-ups, especially those where contact is still required because of shared children. Outside of Copse Magazine, I also work as a mentor … Continue reading The Drama Triangle: Build Better Relationships

The Police by Robert Couse-Baker (CC-by2.0)

Are American Police trained to kill disabled people?

Adam, suffering from mental health problems and learning difficulties, was being shouted at by the Police. ‘BRANDON’ they shouted at him, time and time again – getting his name completely wrong. ‘BRANDON, We are trying to help you’, they shouted as they tasered him time and time again. They sedated him. Adam died. The District Attorney, John Chisholm, ruled that Adam did not die as … Continue reading Are American Police trained to kill disabled people?

Sitting & Sweating: Meditation + Exercise = 40% reduction in depression

Fascinating article from Gretchen Reynolds over at The New York Times. We’ve always been great believers in the power of both mindfulness and exercise to combat both mental and physical fatigue, but the study referenced in this article, whilst a small sample, seems to indicate that a combination of meditation and exercise (running) can have a far more powerful effect on positive feelings than even … Continue reading Sitting & Sweating: Meditation + Exercise = 40% reduction in depression