The sisterhood of motherhood

Interesting campaign from an american advertiser looking at the different tribes of parents – breastfeeders vs bottlers, stay-at-home mums vs working mums etc. It taps into all the common insecurities parents have, which are usually expressed in defensive attitudes and language. Spoiler alert – it’s all ok in the end, because we’re all just parents first. Welcome to the sisterhood of motherhood Continue reading The sisterhood of motherhood

Tipping point: majority of mothers now over 30

In the last year we have finally reached the tipping point that so many of us have been calling out based on anecdotal evidence. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced that more than half of all babies born in England and Wales were to mothers aged 30 and over. Although the average age of first time mothers still sits below the “body clock threshold” … Continue reading Tipping point: majority of mothers now over 30

German Vice-Chancellor takes time off to pick up daughter

As far as headlines go, it’s a pretty crummy one. I mean, should it even be news that a father picks up his daughter… even less so when you realise that the news is that he intends to pick her up just once a week. But sadly this non-story has made the headlines in the German national press, the international press, and even on the … Continue reading German Vice-Chancellor takes time off to pick up daughter

If you have kids, you’ll understand – The Calpol effect

If you have kids, you’ll understand – Calpol’s brilliant strapline, attached to their equally fabulous TV advert showing ‘poorly’ children running riot around the house and garden, back to their normal selves after a dose of Calpol. They could have easily crafted their creative around fear-based selling… one of my pet hates with health and insurance products… but they didn’t. They focussed on what makes … Continue reading If you have kids, you’ll understand – The Calpol effect

Can School Canopies really help kids get active?

It is a known fact that physical activity plays an important role in improving the overall health and fitness levels of school children. Not only does it improve circulation and increase blood flow to the brain, but increased physical activity also helps to reduce stress levels and help students to achieve more academically. Being active during the day, whether at school or not, also helps … Continue reading Can School Canopies really help kids get active?