Finance should be a distinct part of the curriculum

Rob Gardner, one of the UK’s leading financial experts and a man on a mission to help young people have a financially secure future, has today revealed how parents can help their child build a million pound nest egg – by saving just £5.50 a day from the day they’re born until the age of 10. Not many people have a spare £5.50 a day, … Continue reading Finance should be a distinct part of the curriculum

Tipping point: majority of mothers now over 30

In the last year we have finally reached the tipping point that so many of us have been calling out based on anecdotal evidence. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced that more than half of all babies born in England and Wales were to mothers aged 30 and over. Although the average age of first time mothers still sits below the “body clock threshold” … Continue reading Tipping point: majority of mothers now over 30

Life insurance for your family

Here at Copse, we always try to focus in the positive stories around being a (wonderful) parent and stay away from the sensationalist angle – however that doesn’t mean that we are afraid to tackle some of the more serious, less fun, yet still significant issues. Such as ensuring a financial legacy for your family. Insurance is one of those personal finance things that none … Continue reading Life insurance for your family

Planning finances for separation or divorce

Sadly not all relationships last forever, and when you have children together, it makes separation more difficult on both a practical and emotional level. We will look at the various considerations involved in separation and divorce in a number of posts on this site, but for this article we will be concentrating on the financial implications and planning needed. Tesco Clubcard Yes it may seem … Continue reading Planning finances for separation or divorce