6 Question Checklist for Ethical Travel Companies

When planning an organised Ethical Travel trip, here are a few things you should look for in your travel company:

  • Do they have a published responsible travel company? More importantly, does it make sense and talk about things they DO rather than things they aspire to?
  • Have they always been working in this way? If not, why not?
  • Can they give you categorical examples (names, dates, places) of things they have done to provide benefit to the destinations they visit? This does not have to be financial, but it does have to be THEM (not their clients).
  • Do they take any personal responsibility for local capacity building: do they have any personnel who are focused on developing in-country staff or suppliers? How?
  • Are they providing a substantial share of their profits directly back to their host countries?
  • Do they aim to educate their clients in environmental and cultural considerations before and during their trip?

Ask these questions. Vote with your feet. Put your money where your morals are.


What do you need to ask to establish ethical credentials? Debbie Watkins tells what she measures up to.

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