Maternity leave: Baby feet

What if Breast isn’t Best for me?

“I can’t breastfeed.” cue awkward silence. Followed by puzzled looks from others in earshot. Eventually they’ll break the tumbleweed by disbelieving you and producing “Every mother can breastfeed with practise. Keep going.” This article is a guest post by Holly Leppard; the founder of the ‘Don’t Judge Just Feed‘ support group and participant in the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infant Feeding and Inequalities. Holly … Continue reading What if Breast isn’t Best for me?

Natural Birthing

Pregnancy is a complex, stressful but rewarding journey; the process from bump to birth has evolved many times and in recent years this evolution is only getting faster. Natural birthing techniques are a growing trend in the maternity world, after being used in hospital wards through water birth deliveries the range of natural birthing products have now spread further afield. For mothers to be the … Continue reading Natural Birthing

100 Women 2015: Desperate not to have children – BBC News

Two women – one from the UK, the other from Iran – reflect on their decision to stay child-free at any cost. Maybe you’ve all been through it. That Sunday lunch with the family, that dinner party with your newly childed friends. Those brief remarks made to you, seconds after your wedding ceremony has been completed. “So”. They say. “Will we soon be hearing the … Continue reading 100 Women 2015: Desperate not to have children – BBC News

Working Mum: Can you be an artist and a mother?

Amanda Palmer has written a fascinating insight into the stresses and worries of impending motherhood and becoming a working mum titled No, I Am Not Crowdfunding This Baby (an open letter to a worried fan). In her essay, she describes how she’s built a new wave of funding for her artistic projects using the Patreon platform which enables long-term fans of artists to commit to funding … Continue reading Working Mum: Can you be an artist and a mother?

Tipping point: majority of mothers now over 30

In the last year we have finally reached the tipping point that so many of us have been calling out based on anecdotal evidence. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced that more than half of all babies born in England and Wales were to mothers aged 30 and over. Although the average age of first time mothers still sits below the “body clock threshold” … Continue reading Tipping point: majority of mothers now over 30

Emilia Gift Box

New Baby Presents by Post: The Jellybox

You know the old adage, good things come in small packages… well I’ve got another for you: Great things come in great packages. If you are looking for the perfect new-mum/new-baby gift, then look no further than Jellybox. With a large collection of luxury gifts for boys and girls of assorted ages, it’s a really interesting concept for a business, especially when the media fills … Continue reading New Baby Presents by Post: The Jellybox