Maternity leave: Baby feet

What if Breast isn’t Best for me?

“I can’t breastfeed.” cue awkward silence. Followed by puzzled looks from others in earshot. Eventually they’ll break the tumbleweed by disbelieving you and producing “Every mother can breastfeed with practise. Keep going.” This article is a guest post by Holly Leppard; the founder of the ‘Don’t Judge Just Feed‘ support group and participant in the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infant Feeding and Inequalities. Holly … Continue reading What if Breast isn’t Best for me?

Embarrassed: Poem by Hollie McNish

Why is titillation accepted and sustenance rejected? Hollie McNish takes us on a journey of exploration around the hypocrisy of a society that condemns women to breastfeed, hidden away in toilet cubicles, when women’s bodies are showcased for commercial gain, wherever we look. This poem is taken from the book Nobody Told Me: a journey from pregnancy to pre-school in poetry and prose: [link to purchase book] “The … Continue reading Embarrassed: Poem by Hollie McNish

Babies in boxes – The story that keeps on giving

Oh look, it’s a baby in a shoebox. Cute. You know that somewhere on Pinterest that picture has just been added to a collection of newborns in faux nests, with angel wings, and in amongst a thousand pastel-shaded murals. But let’s not pass up the moment to heap praise upon the story behind the intriguing headline – The Finnish baby box, which the state has … Continue reading Babies in boxes – The story that keeps on giving

The sisterhood of motherhood

Interesting campaign from an american advertiser looking at the different tribes of parents – breastfeeders vs bottlers, stay-at-home mums vs working mums etc. It taps into all the common insecurities parents have, which are usually expressed in defensive attitudes and language. Spoiler alert – it’s all ok in the end, because we’re all just parents first. Welcome to the sisterhood of motherhood Continue reading The sisterhood of motherhood

Comfy Footwear for Those Important First Steps

There’s an advert running on our local radio at the moment with the line “my mother always said you should invest in good shoes and a good bed, ’cause when you’re not in one, you’re in t’other”. They were advertising beds… I’m going to focus on the other. Anyone who’s ever taken care of a child knows how important it is to find the proper … Continue reading Comfy Footwear for Those Important First Steps